print("Hello World!)
My name is Brandon Taylor and I am a Cybersecurity Professional. Like most typical nerds, I grew up having a curiosity for how things worked and would spend time taking things apart and putting them back together to understand how it truly worked. I have had a love for technology since a young age and spend a lot of my free time exploring and learning various things in the tech world. I like to spend time playing CTFs, including TryHackMe and Hack The Box. This makes for a serious passion for Cybersecurity since understanding how things work fundamentally gives you a great insight into how to secure it or take advantage of a flaw.
My aim with this site is to share my thoughts, tips, tricks and document things I learn or am curious about, so others may find clarity in them or find inspiration to go out and take it even further.
Feel free to reach out to me using any of my socials below!